Community Fridge4All Project
The Community Fridge4All project operates from 119 Rannoch Road, in the Community Learning and Development Building. We have been listening to folk who use the Commnity Fridge4All and from their feedback we have decided to change the hours the fridge is open, to make it more accessible for people who want to use it . As of 15th of May 2022 0ur opening hours will be:
- Monday 10am-1pm
- Tuesday 10am -1pm
- Wednesday 5pm-8pm
- Thursday 10am-1pm
- Friday 1pm-4pm
- Saturday & Sundays 10am-1pm
We have changed location because we are starting to get the Letham Community Hub for the refurbishment and extension works to begin.
You will still be able to pick free good food and help us prevent food waste and we will continue to stock a range of very low-cost tinned and dried foods.
The Community Fridge4All was the first of its kind in Perth and has been set up with support from Zero Waste. The team at Letham4All supports other communities in Perth to run their own community food shares, distributing surplus food amongst all of the local projects.

So how does the Community Fridge4All Project Work?
The Community Fridge4All project is a shared vision for the community and partners whose aim is to reduce food waste and be accessible to residents to donate food, take food and share cooking ideas. It is the first of its kind in Perth and has been set up with support from Zero Waste and the Scottish Government’s Aspiring Communities Fund with support from the European Social Fund.
Also, through the Fareshare Scheme we get regular donations from local food suppliers of fresh fruit and vegetables and bread. These items are available free of charge and can be picked up from the Community Fridge4All based at 119 Rannoch Road . Follow Letham4All on Facebook to find out what new donations come in daily.
To complement the Community Fridge we also have donated dried foodstuffs, which are also available at the cost of 20p per item with a maximum spend of £2 per single visit. Any monies raised through this will contribute to the running costs of the project. These are also available in the Letham Community Hub.
Get involved with the Community Fridge4All Project
Food waste is a big issue in the UK and beyond. It is estimated that a third of all food gets wasted. Most of this is avoidable and could have been eaten had it been better managed .
The Community Fridge4All Project helps cut food waste , build stronger bonds within the community and redistributes food, but we need volunteers to help run this project. So if you are interested in making adifference in your community and reducing food waste , we need volunteers to:
- Help us find businesses to donate to the fridge
- Collect food from donors
- Fridge cleaning and monitoring
- Local fridge promotion
- Help organise events and fundraisers to support the fridge and the local community
- Help promote what we do through social media
Please contact us and pass this on to anyone else you may think would be interested and help spread the word.
You can contact Fiona Kerr, Community Fridge Worker at or on 07483424537 or by popping into the Community Fridge4All at 119 Rannoch Road, Perth.