Letham4All are working with Mindspace to deliver their Recovery College in the North Perth area. Mindspace Recovery College is like any other college where people come together to learn and share. The difference is that at Mindspace, learning will be delivered by people with lived experience and professional experience of mental ill health.

Due to demand they are going to deliver  Discovering Mindfulness for a second time. It is an 8 week course offering people the opportunity to learn about and experience mindfulness in a group setting. This course looks at the supporting evidence and encourages discussion in relation to mindfulness.

The course is free and if you would like to take part please contact  07894154532 or contact the Letham Community Hub, 01738 444061 to register to take part.  The first session starts on Wednesday 15th of April at 10am-12.00pm in the Letham Community Hub.