Letham4All Financial Wellbeing Project

Working with our partners, and with massive thanks to Aviva Community Fund, we are working to develop activities and services in the new Letham Community Hub to improve their financial well-being.
We want to help people gain access to guidance and advice to help them look at how they manage their budgets and ways to improve their financial well-being, offer information to help them save money and energy and signpost them to ensure they are accessing all the supports they are entitled to.
However, our building is still in the process of being built and we know people need access to this kind of support now, so we on a temporary basis we will use space at 119 Rannoch Road to develop some of the partnership activities during this winter.
Some of activities we are developing
Outreach Perth and Kinross Credit Union
Working with the Perth and Kinross Credit Union we will be setting up an Outreach Branch of the Credit Union at 119 Rannoch Road. Credit unions are not-for-profit organizations that exist to serve their members. Like banks, credit unions accept deposits, make loans and provide a wide array of other financial services. But as member-owned and cooperative institutions, credit unions provide a safe place to save and borrow at reasonable rates.
Perth and Kinross Credit Union can be a real alternative for people who have struggled in the past to open a bank account or gain access to low-cost credit. This could be the first step to help improve credit ratings and offer people an affordable alternative, away from expensive payday loan companies. They offer ethical banking which means when you borrow money from them there is:
- No arrangement fees
- No penalties for early repayment
- No hidden charges.
To help make it easier for people to join Perth and Kinross Credit Union, Letham4All has secured funding to pay for the joining fee, annual service charge, and set-up costs for their Engage Card. This will be available to people who register through our Outreach Branch. Our volunteers can help people open a Credit Union Account and also help make any small loan applications.
More information about the Outreach Branch will be available soon when the new Letham Community Hub is open in 2024, and you can find out more about Perth and Kinross Credit Union here
Citizens Advice Bureau
Letham4All are working in partnership with Perth Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) to bring this service to the heart of our community, making it and easier for all to reach and access.
Citizens Advice bureau can give support and advice on a number of different topics. Housing , benefits employment rights , consumer rights , debt advice and so much more. They are available to support you to here in the community , to give you clarity and a positive way to move forward.
The CAB Team will be at 119 Rannoch Road , every Thursday between 9am and 12pm. Pre booking is required which can be done by emailing finwell@letham4all.org.uk
The HEAT Project
We are working with the HEAT Project whose objective is to help homes reduce their energy consumption, energy bills, improve household energy standards , increase house insulation and encourage alternative heating systems. Look out for their team of expert energy advisers at the Letham Community Fridge4All at 119 Rannoch Road and at Muirton Community Food Share at 111 Dunkeld Road. The HEAT Project team will also be popping in a range of Letham4All Activities and will be promoted through our Facebook Page.