Letham4All has been supporting local volunteers from Muirton and North Muirton to run their Community Food Share Project since April last year and they have shared this wonderful story about the ‘Bags of Love’ from pupils, parents and staff from North Muirton Primary School. Pupils and parents from the schools’ P2 class chose The Muirton Community Food Share to benefit from the proceeds of the Enterprise Project. Their enterprise to generate resources for the Food Share was to organise a Santa Run , with participants paying an entry fee of tinned and dried foods, toiletries and treats. Staff from the school got on board and donated money they would have spent on their Secret Santa presents to buy more items and the other year groups also generously brought in donations to fill the bags.
All the donations were delivered to the Food Share in early December , with the amount overwhelming the volunteers, who described them as ‘bags of love’ for their community. Volunteers have distributed them to over 50 local households visiting the shop during December. Everybody who has benefited from the project have expressed their appreciation and thanks for support and kindness for the ‘Bags of Love’. Thank you P2 puplis, parents , staff from North Muirton Primary School .