Contractor appointed for Letham Community Hub Works

Contractor appointed for Letham Community Hub Works

Letham4All SCIO is celebrating the news that refurbishment and extension work to the former Letham Recreation Centre is about to start. The contract was awarded by Perth and Kinross Council to Clark Contracts, and they will take control of the building and site in the...
Letham Community Christmas Fair

Letham Community Christmas Fair

Letham4All are delighted to invite you to the Letham Community Christmas Fair on Saturday 27th November from 11 am until 2.00 pm in the Letham Community Hub.  Lots of stalls, tea, and coffee, and there might be an early visitor from someone special. Please look out...
Letham4All Annual General Meeting

Letham4All Annual General Meeting

Letham4All SCIO will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 23rd of November at 7.00 pm in the Letham Community Hub on Tweedsmuir Road. All welcome to attend and hear about the refurbishment and what all our amazing volunteers and staff have been up to in...
Update on Oot The Hoose

Update on Oot The Hoose

Read about the latest shenanigans of the Oot The Hoose Group in the 3rd edition of the newsletter by clicking Oot The Hoose Newsletter 3rd Edition.  
Last chance to vote !

Last chance to vote !

Letham4All SCIO has been nominated to be part of the Asda Foundation Green Token Giving online vote through our local Asda store in Perth. Today is the last time you can cast your vote for us so please visit and select Perth from the...