Working together Letham4All’s Inbetweeners, The Co-op and Letham Residents Association is making sure that despite COVID 19 , local folk will have the chance to enjoy a haggis supper at home to celebrate the memory of the great Rabbie Burns. Inspired by the successful Treats4All Bags Initiative in December and working virtually , Letham4All’s Intbetweeners Youth Group and Letham Resident Asscoation applied for a Co-op Community Grant of £750 to help source enough scottish goodies , incuding haggis , neeps and tatties , to make up 100 family Burns Suppers.
The Burns Bags will be distributed through Letham4All’s Community Fridge4All Project and South Perth and Muirton Community Food Shares this week. Local Co-op stores at Rannoch Road , Westmains and Darnhall and Co-op Community Pioneer Emma Gerrad supported the application. Special thanks also go to Poundland in Perth and People with A Mission Ministries for their generous donations of sweets and shortbread which are also included bag.
Pictured at the cheque presentation is Co-op Manager Darren Kay and Community Pioneer Emma Gerrad , Inbetweeners Dakota and Rhys, Letham4All’s Sam Skelton and Suzie Burt, and Letham Resident Association’s Laura Anderson. Special thanks is also passed on to Letham4All Youth Work Project Worker Susan Robertson and all Letham4All’s Community Fridge4All Project volunteers.