The Jump Into Wellbeing Festival has been organised to celebrate the wonderful work being done across the North Perth area by community groups and organisations through raising awareness of the many different opportunities for people to come together locally, to meet new people and learn new skills. This festival focuses on improving health, well being, social connectivity and reducing social isolation.
The Festival ends with a free Ceilidh being held in the Letham Community Hub on Saturday, 25th of January 2.00-4.00pm. There will free food and refreshments and music played by the Gallivanters. Tickets are available at the Letham Community Learning Centre in 119 Rannoch Road, Letham Community Hub on Tweedsmuir Road and Letham Climate Challenge Swap Shop on Garth Avenue.
View the full brochure of Jump into Wellbeing Activities at – for all available activities / sessions.