Letham4All SCIO is holding its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 25th of November at 7.00pm. Because of the COVID 19 pandemic we will holding this meeting in a Zoom Room.
Nominations for Board Members will be accepted up until Friday 20th of November and application and nomination forms can be accessed by contacting Suzie Burt on 07811263092 or email secretary@letham4all.org.uk . If you would like more information on joining the Board please contact Suzie Burt.
All members will be emailed the link to the email address provided in your membership form. If you are a member and have changed your email address recently or are some who is not a member but would like to attend, please email secretary@letham4all.org.uk to request a link to join the meeting. You do not need to down load any software or apps to access the meeting, just click on the link in the email to take you into a virtual waiting room to be let into the meeting. The Agenda and papers will also be sent in this email.
This is not the Annual General Meeting we had hoped to have this year or the best way to go about holding one, but after consultation with our members we agreed this best way forward for this year to ensure a least a degree of accessability and openess.