Happy to share news of the great initiative from Tulloch NET
At this time we know that many families and individuals are facing financial difficulties as a result of the current Covid19 lockdown. Making ends meet is a challenge!
To ensure that people are able to access essential food, Tulloch Community Food is being launched.
We will be open on a Wednesday and Friday morning from 10.am -11am at The Community Hub, 2 Tulloch Square. People will be able to select up to 10 items for 20p each , but many donated items are available free of charge. However this isn’t about money, it’s about making sure people have something to eat, so if money is tight please come along and tell us.
If you come along to The Hub, from outside the door you will be able to select your items, which will be bagged and handed over to you. We ask that you maintain social distance from our staff team and others waiting.
This project is part of the North Perth Covid19 Community Response and is being delivered by Tulloch NET, Perth North Church with support from Letham 4 All and other community groups.
For further information please call Grant on 07790 518 041