We are pleased to tell you that our Walks4All project is back! Our Walk Leader Shoina Kennedy will lead health walks within the community, encouraging people to become active through walking and to improve health and wellbeing, in these difficult times. Our weekly health walk will start back on Wednesday 28th of April, meeting at 10.30 am in the car park of the Letham Community Hub. All are welcome but if you think have symptoms of COVID 19, a high temperature, new continuous cough, or a loss of taste and smell, please stay at home and requested a test.
All our walks are COVID 19 risk assessed and meet the current national guidance to be delivered safely. Call Shoina on 07483424490 to book your place or email her walks4all@letham4all.org.uk
Health walks are a great way to get active, get you out in the fresh air, and enjoy meeting new people. All health walks are free, led by trained volunteers, low level, and short. You can find out more about the Walks4All project here
We’re taking steps to support a more active, happy and healthy community.