Letham4All are delighted to announce the start of their 60+ Project with the launch of the Oot The Hoose. The Oot The Hoose weekly group will cover a variety of activities and events which will cover arts and crafts, social gatherings and outings, health and fitness, and learning where people can come along and just enjoy themselves. You can see the first 6 weeks of the Oot The Hoose programme by clicking on this link here. This programme was developed from the responses to our recent survey about planning activities for older people. Thank you to all those folk who answered the survey.
Anyone wishing to join the group should book their place as numbers will be limited due to the current restrictions and hopefully, this will change with the continued easing of restrictions. The group will commence on Thursday 8th July at 10.00 a.m. and thereafter every Thursday between 10.00 – 12.00 within The Letham Community Club, Marlee Road, Perth, PH1 2HL while the refurbishment of the Letham4All building takes place. Bookings can be made by calling 01738 444061 and for further information contact Shoina Kennedy, Project Worker, email oth@letham4all.org.uk