Thanks for the new, bigger community fridge

Thanks for the new, bigger community fridge

Letham4All are thankful to the Perth City Local Action Partnership for their swift decision making on a request for funding to buy a bigger fridge for the Community Fridge4All Project. Pictured is Perth City Local Action Partnership Chair , Sam Finlayson, who visited...
The Community Fridge4All Now Open in Letham Community Hub

The Community Fridge4All Now Open in Letham Community Hub

Letham4All are delighted to let you know that our Community Fridge Project is now open in the Hub, from Monday 23rd of March. It will be available from 9.00am -9.00pm Monday -Friday and 9.00am -1.00pm Saturday and Sunday. We have had our first delivery from Fareshare...
Covoronavirus – Support in the Community

Covoronavirus – Support in the Community

Letham4All are working with a number of organisations in North Perth who are coming together to use their resources to support the most vulnerable in our communities at this tough time. We will be aiming to marshall volunteers to do shopping, make and/or deliver food...
Letham Community Hub  Coronavirus Update

Letham Community Hub Coronavirus Update

Responding to national guidance about protecting and keeping people safe from Corinavirus Letham4All has suspended it’s community based activities, including the Community Gym at the Letham Community Hub. Letham4All are currently in discussions with a number of...
£1 Million for The Letham Community Hub

£1 Million for The Letham Community Hub

Letham4All SCIO were delighted to hear their dream of refurbishing the former Letham Recreation Centre and transforming it into a Community Health and Wellbeing Hub came a step closer to reality this week. Perth and Kinross Council, working with the charity, applied...